6 things every woman has to do for her vagina after sex

By: Farida

18th December 2017


Sexy time is over and you’re fighting the urge to pass out. Don’t! Sex introduces bacteria that your vagina needs help fighting off.

You only really need to do a couple of quick things immediately after sex to maintain good hygiene down there. The alternative? Try infection, disease, a really nasty smell people talk about behind your back (no one wants that).

Read on to avoid all that. Your lady parts will thank you!

6. Pee Right Away 
Peeing is the first thing you should do after sex. It will rinse all the E. coli bacteria from where it does not need to be.

Sit there for a minute to make sure you’ve drained yourself properly. No need to force yourself to pee. Let your body do its thing.

5. Cleanse With Soap And Water
If you don’t have feminine wipes, take a wet washcloth and non-scented soap and wipe yourself clean from front to back.

During sex, lubricants, and bacteria from hands, mouths, and rectums, increase a woman’s chance of developing bacterial and yeast infections. So clean up good!

Reminder: Only use the soap externally.

As you sit there, you might be noticing your mouth is a little dry. Our next tip will fix that!

4. Drink A Tall Glass Of Water
Sex is a workout! Your heart rate speeds up and you burn off calories. Just like any workout, you have to get fluids in you after you finish so you don’t get dehydrated and weak.

Not only will a tall glass of water replenish you, it’ll also flush out UTI-causing bacteria that might be in your bladder.

3. Take a Short, Warm Bath
This one might be harder to commit to, since sleep is usually what comes right after sex, but if you can, sneak away for ten minutes and slip into a warm bath.

This will help any swelling or irritation of the vagina go down and eliminate your risk of any infection.

There’s one more thing left to do before bed!

2. Pop A Probiotic
Taking a probiotic after sex will pump you full of “good” bacteria to protect your gut and the vaginal area from invaders. It’ll spare you from yeast infections as well.

If you don’t want to take a probiotic pill, foods like yogurt and kimchi and drinks like kombucha will produce the same results for your body.

1. Don’t Wear Panties To Bed
So much has just happened to your vagina, it’s good to let it breathe for awhile. When you crawl into bed to go to sleep, go commando. Underwear will trap moisture that allows bacteria to grow. Air it out all night.

If going without is uncomfortable for you, just make sure to wear something loose.

Cheers to a healthier vagina!

Source: ChangePost