Dumsor vigil: Court approves new date after Police withdraws lawsuit

24th May 2024


The Ghana Police Service has withdrawn its legal action against the #DumsorMustStop vigil, initially planned for Saturday, May 25, 2024.

The Accra High Court 5 on Friday, May 24 ruled in favour of the organizers and accepted their proposal for a new date.

The vigil will now take place on Saturday, June 8, 2024 and it will start from the University of Ghana.

Actress, Yvonne Nelson in a post on X invited Ghanaians to join her in a massive protest against recent erratic power cuts.

This call for action follows similar protests organized by Yvonne and several celebrities in 2015 to express displeasure against the erstwhile Mahama government over consistent power outages

Yvonne Nelson hopes for a similar turnout this time for a resolution of the recurring power crisis, known in local parlance as ‘dumsor’.