Real Tamale United (RTU) have issued an apology to the Ghana Football Association (GFA) and their supporters after admitting to fielding unregistered players in their league game against Dreams FC in Dawu.

Despite being thrashed 8-1, the primary issue was RTU’s decision to use players who weren’t registered for the match.

The club management took Division Two players to Dawu after their registered players boycotted the match over six months of unpaid salaries.

The GFA has charged the club and is investigating the matter, with Dreams FC also filing a protest.

The Dawu-based club stated they played the match under protest after their captain and team manager complained about RTU not using the right players.

In a statement, RTU said they had responded to the GFA charge and insisted it wasn’t their intention to ridicule Ghana football.

"The above action was never deliberate and was never intended to ridicule our beautiful game. The club has gone through some difficult moments this year, a situation that is culminating in our exit from the Premier League.

The club, however, courts for mercy and sympathy from the general public and the GFA as we strive to reorganise and build a team that all of us will be proud of. We express our regret again and that this will never happen again. The club is sorry."