Sports Ministry launches National Fitness Day (Photos)

19th August 2022


The Ministry for Youth and Sports has launched National Fitness Day, which will be observed every month to promote exercise and fitness among Ghanaians.

Speaking at the launch in Accra, Mr Mustapha Ussif, Minister for Youth and Sports, said the National Fitness Day seeks to promote good community relationships among residents of various communities and to create awareness about fitness and health issues.

He said sports promote physical and mental health and also promote active patriotism, good citizenship, and national recognition.

Mr Ussif added that the national fitness day is common around the world, including in countries like the United States of America, the United Kingdom, among others.

He stated that it is not surprising that the vice president, among others, supports the national fitness day programme.

He stated that the national fitness day would be observed on the second Saturday of every month across the country, in the regional capitals, and would be followed by a health walk on the second Saturday of September in Accra.

He said the government was committed to ensuring the success of the national fitness day as they believe healthy leadership is the key to a happy nation.

"We, therefore, invite colleagues, friends in the public and in the private sector, the diplomatic board, development partners, and civil service organizations to come into partnership with this laudable program.

"We especially call on sports associations and organisations to promote the fitness day," the Sports Minister said.

By Rihana Adam