You took NDC to opposition, bring it back to power before you retire – Mahama told

29th March 2021


A former Deputy Ashanti Region Minister Joseph Yammin has affirmed that the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) will force the 2020 flag bearer of the party former President John Dramani to lead the party in 2024.

According to Joseph Yammin, former President John Dramani Mahama has no reason to betray the party in the 2024 general elections.

Tension has been mounting in the NDC about who to lead the party as presidential candidate to contest 2024 general elections where the New Patriotic Party(NPP) will by the law be required to present a new candidate either than President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Joseph Yammin commenting about who to lead NDC in 2024 said “NDC will never divert its attention to who to lead NDC in 2024 since John Dramani Mahama is still alive. He took NDC to opposition in 2016 and he has to secure power for NDC before he can retire from politics”

Speaking in an interview with Pure Fm’s Osei Kwadwo monitored by, Joseph Yammin said former President John Dramani Mahama has no option than to lead NDC as flagbearer to secure power for the party.

“John Dramani Mahama is the only person in the NDC who can secure power for the party in the 2024 general elections. He shouldn’t betray NDC and Ghanaians because if he decides not to lead NDC in the 2024 general elections, NDC supporters and majority of Ghanaians will be disappointed” Yammin said.

Joseph Yammin added “former President John Dramani Mahama should not give attention to those fighting him just to frustrate him about his ability to lead the party”.

“Supporters of NDC and majority of Ghanaians have genuine love for John Dramani Mahama and with John Mahama leading NDC in 2024 is a victory for NDC”.

Joseph Yammin however charged the supporters of NDC to continue to work hard for the party and focus on how to help the party to come to power in 2024.