10 best exercises for weight loss when nothing else is working

13th February 2019


Losing weight is no joke and we bet out of 10 people around you, five would be on some type of diet to lose weight. If you are among them, this article is for you because we know how hard you are trying to shed those extra kilos.

We all know healthy weight loss is a perfect combination of a healthy diet and regular workout. But because there is no one diet that fits all, here we tell you 10 exercises that studies claim are great for people trying to shed kilos. RunningWhether you like it or not, running is the easiest and one the best ways to burn calories. Running in parts – speeding up and slowing down your pace will help make the minutes and kilometres go quickly. Do not forget to hydrate yourself. Jump ropeWhen was the last time you picked up jumped rope? Don’t remember? Probably now is the time when you should. Jump rope can burn up to 318 calories per 30 minutes and it doesn’t just make your heart function better but is a great full body workout. Strength trainingThough many women still think that lifting weight would make them bulky, the good news is that more and more women are now seeing its true potential in weight loss. Strength training is the most important exercise everyone needs to do because it helps you build lean muscle mass.

KickboxingKickboxing is the best way to burn calories, sculpt muscles and relieve your stress. It also tests your coordination and endurance, which makes you a better athlete.

HIIT (High-intensity interval training)Many studies claim HIIT to be the best exercise to burn calorie and rev up your metabolism. The best part about the HIIT workout is that it doesn’t last for long. Some HIIT sessions may last for only 10 minutes.

Surya NamaskarOne of the most basic yoga asanas Surya Namaskar works wonders for weight loss. Apart from weight loss, the asana helps to strengthen your ligaments and skeletal system.

It is also a great way to keep your body active, reduce stress and anxiety. And if you breathe right while doing the asana, it will help you to lose more weight.

Source: indiatimes.com