10 Personality traits to look for in a boyfriend

By: Farida

23rd July 2018


IT'S exciting to find a boyfriend who’s ready to stop playing games and start focusing on what one woman — you — have to offer in relationships.

But before you even consider committing to him as “boyfriend and girlfriend”, let alone think seriously about getting married and making him your husband, it’s critical to know which personality traits to look for as signs that he will actually be a good boyfriend (and, potentially, a good husband).

This means it’s time to get to know and understand the aspects of his character and personality, and in doing so, you’ll strengthen the relationship you’ve begun even more.

1. Integrity

This trait separates the men from the boys. All you ever want is for a man to say what he means and mean what he says. That’s how you live your life, and you want him to do the same.

2. Consistent

A consistent boyfriend is a man you can trust. You know what makes him mad and what makes him happy, and you are able to work with both.

There isn’t much I can think of that’s worse than being involved with a guy and never knowing which version of him you’re going to get on any given day and in any any situation. You will never be comfortable with that type of man as your boyfriend, let alone as your husband.

3. Caring

You should always know that your boyfriend cares about you. Your dreams, your thoughts, and your well-being should be his number one priority.

4. Kindness

Seeing how he treats his mother and the people he considers his close friends is always at the top of the checklist when it comes to looking for a man who has personality traits you can admire. If he is kind to them and treats them with respect, he will do the same for you.

Make sure to put yourself in situations where you get to see them interact. If he refuses to let that happen, you’ve got issues.

5. Ambition

There are so many opportunities available for anyone to explore their passions these days, and a man worthy of becoming your boyfriend (and possibly your husband) should have a plan for going after them.

6. Curiosity

There is nothing better than being in a relationship with someone who is always willing and interested to learn.

This is a sign of someone who is able to listen, be spontaneous and remain flexible. After all, how sexy is it when a man can admit that he’s lost and ask for directions, right?

7. Humour

Ladies, you know relationships are much more enjoyable when you’re with someone you laugh freely, easily and often with. You both already have so much to put up with in your daily life that being able to shake it all off by sharing laughter is both reinvigorating and vital.

In fact, research “has consistently shown that happiness is positively related to humour,” so it really is true that laughter is the best medicine for relationships of all kinds.

8. Humility

Isn’t it wonderful when someone is successful, but also able to be modest about it? Men who behave this way are the kind of guys who value hard work while also realising that it takes a supporting cast to help get the job done. When it’s time for you to shine, a boyfriend like this will be there to help you out in any way he can.

9. Inclusive

Your man should love not only his own people, but your people too. He should want to make sure they are included in his life whenever possible and vice versa.

10. Openly loving

Perhaps most importantly, a man’s actions should show you how much he loves you. You’ve heard the pretenders say, “I love you!” a million times before, but it’s what a man does to prove it that makes him the best boyfriend ever … and one you can feel secure thinking about getting married to.

By: eHarmony