10-Year-Old Girl Spends £2,500 on Roblox without Mother's Knowledge

23rd May 2023


 A cautionary tale for parents as a 10-year-old girl from Denbighshire spends £2,500 on the gaming site Roblox without her mother's knowledge.

Learn about the incident, the challenges faced by the family, and the need for parental vigilance.


In a shocking incident, a 10-year-old girl from Denbighshire, Georgina Munday, managed to spend over £2,500 on the popular gaming platform Roblox without her mother's awareness.

This unexpected turn of events has sparked a warning from Georgina to other parents, urging them to remain vigilant about their children's online activities.

The incident sheds light on the potential risks associated with in-app purchases and highlights the need for parents to monitor their children's digital interactions closely.

 The Unforeseen Splurge on Roblox Sub-heading 1: A Young Girl's Costly Adventure in Gaming

Georgina Munday, a 44-year-old nurse residing in Dyserth, was taken aback when she discovered that her daughter, who has autism, had spent a staggering £2,500 on Roblox.

The unsuspecting mother initially suspected a security breach but soon realized that her daughter had managed to change the password, granting herself access to her mother's payment details.

 Roblox: A Platform for Creativity and In-App Purchases Sub-heading 2: Exploring the World of User-Generated Games

Roblox is a popular gaming platform that offers users the opportunity to create and play their own games.

With its immense popularity, Roblox has attracted millions of users, especially children and young adults, who find joy in developing and participating in various virtual experiences.

However, the platform also incorporates in-app purchases, enabling users to enhance their avatars and access exclusive game features for a fee.

 The Struggles of Remote Learning and Increased Screen Time Sub-heading 3: Coping with Autism and Educational Challenges

Due to her daughter's struggles in mainstream education, Georgina Munday's 10-year-old had increasingly relied on her tablet for entertainment during the period of remote learning.

The girl's autism made adapting to traditional learning environments difficult, leading to an increase in screen time. Unfortunately, this extended exposure to digital devices inadvertently opened the door to the unexpected expenditure on Roblox.

A Desperate Quest for Refunds Sub-heading 4: The Frustrating Obstacles Faced by the Mother

Realizing the magnitude of her daughter's impulsive spending spree, Georgina Munday embarked on a week-long journey to rectify the situation.

She reached out to Apple and Tesco Bank, hoping to secure a refund for the unauthorized transactions.

Despite her efforts, both companies declined her request, leaving her without the much-needed financial reimbursement.


The story of Georgina Munday's daughter's spending escapade on Roblox serves as a cautionary tale for parents.

It highlights the importance of maintaining vigilance over their children's digital activities, especially when it comes to platforms offering in-app purchases.

Instances like these emphasize the need for parents to have open conversations with their children about responsible online behavior and the potential consequences of unmonitored spending.

By staying informed and engaged, parents can create a safe and secure digital environment for their children, minimizing the risk of similar incidents occurring in the future.