21 Swimming Pool Ideas At Home That Will Make You Feel For A Splash

17th January 2017


Due to our home designs in Ghana, we hardly consider swimming pools because we see it to be a waste of water and space.

However, recent innovations in building designs incorporate swimming pools without the need for a large amount of space. Here are 21 swimming pool ideas that’ll make you long for one at home.

1. This cute pool with a spring you can have in your backyard.


2. And this…


3. This little cutie that looks so intimate


4. And this one too…awwww!!! so nice.


5. Beautifully made yet occupying very little space


6. You can do this besides your backyard garden


7. Something just for friends and family


8. And this just for you and your partner or just you


9. This is best for you and your little family


10. And this…looks like it’s flowing through a forest


11. Small enough for two, big enough for coziness


12. You can even try something like this


13. Or this


14. So cute


15. You can even add some lighting to the setup


16. Or something just for a bath


17. Give it a little elevation


18. Or this…


19. That’s a must have


20. Or probably something like this


21. Cozy
