4 effective home remedy treatments for Cracks, Calluses on the foot

By: Farida

6th November 2018


I work in a big office building that has 20 floors and several pavilions.

During the working day, I have to take documents to different rooms and run between floors, as well as meet clients in different pavilions.

I got small corns on the first day of working in this environment but I didn’t pay much attention to them. After 2 months those corns became denser and I couldn’t get rid of them myself.

That’s why I approached a specialist who explained to me what I was doing wrong.

I am going to talk about what someone should do to get rid of callouses and corns without visiting a doctor.

The article was written based on recommendations of the podiatrist I visited.

First, you should understand when you can cope with this issue at home and when you should approach a doctor.

If the corn is big, if it is located on a bone, if it is bleeding, if you feel pain when you touch it, or if it simply looks scary, then you should visit a doctor because this is a serious case and the corn should be removed with the help of a laser or another special method.

In all other cases, (if it’s a callus) you can solve the issue yourself. A callus is an area of thickened skin that appears due to constant pressure. The more pressure you get, the thicker and rougher this patch of skin becomes.

There are several effective ways to get rid of these calluses at home.

1. Foot bath

This is one of the fastest and simplest methods that is often used in clinics. Usually, 2-3 of these soaks are enough to get rid of even a neglected callus.

How to do it: Add 2-3 tbsp of baking soda and 1 tbsp of liquid soap to 1/2-1 gal of warm water. Put your feet in the water and keep them there for 25 minutes so that the skin becomes softer. After that, take your feet out and remove the hardened layer of the callus with the help of a pumice. After finishing the procedure, apply a soothing cream containing an antiseptic (like chamomile, calendula, or eucalyptus) to your feet.

2. Socks with glycerin

There is another method that experts recommend. Not only does it help to get rid of dry calluses but it also helps to soften the skin on the whole foot.

How to do it: Add 8-10 drops of ammonia to 50 ml of glycerin and mix it well. Apply this mixture to your feet before going to sleep and put on thick cotton socks for the night. On average, 8-10 procedures should be enough but you can increase that number because the procedure isn’t dangerous.

3. Soak your feet in lemon juice.

They say this method is popular in Japan, but the process itself can feel uncomfortable. Lemon juice lightens and softens the skin and removes cracks on the heels. As a result, you can get rid of a severe callus within 5 days.

How to do it: Grate a medium size lemon together with the peel, apply the mush to your calluses for 10-15 minutes. Also, you can use a cotton pad drenched in lemon juice.

4. Use home paraffin.

Cosmetologists often use paraffin to moisturize the skin and remove keratinized cells. If you want to conduct this procedure at home, you can use ordinary wax instead of paraffin.

How to do it: Melt the wax in a big bowl in the microwave oven and add the same amount of mustard oil as wax. The mustard oil will moisturize your skin and cool down the wax a little. Dip each foot in the wax (you can do it twice), wrap your feet with polyethylene film and a towel for 15 minutes.

After that, take the wax off and polish the callus with a nail file — the keratinized particles will easily peel off and the skin will become smooth again. Don’t forget to apply a soothing cream to your feet after the procedure as well as put on cotton socks.

What to buy at the drugstore:

  • As for special creams, it’s worth buying those that contain salicylic acid and urea. These are the main components that will destroy keratinized cells and make them peel off. Applying an ointment with salicylic acid to feet is one of the fastest ways to get rid of calluses.

  • Patches containing a 40% solution of salicylic acid also work well. You can stick it to the callus or corn and continue about your day. It won’t cause any uncomfortable feelings while walking. At the same time, the skin on the callus/corn won’t get dry and should peel off well.

  • Exfoliating socks are socks made from a special fabric that should be worn on clean feet for 15-20 minutes. After that, apply a moisturizing cream. However, these socks won’t help against dense calluses; they only help get rid of cracks and make the skin soft.
How to choose shoes correctly

There are several recommendations for choosing the correct footwear that experts in nail and leg health advise that you follow.

  1. Buy shoes in the evening after your work day because feet get tired during the day and swell a bit. So following this advice will help you choose the right size which will make you feel comfortable throughout the day.

  2. Don’t save money on shoes. It’s better to buy shoes made of natural materials like leather, suede, or cotton. This type of footwear will help your feet breathe and prevent them from sweating.

  3. Use gel liners that can be bought at a drugstore. There are liners available for different areas on feet. They prevent foot friction and, therefore, the appearance of calluses, corns, and health issues with toe joints in the future.

  4. Don’t wear new shoes all day — try to get used to them gradually. If you feel impatient about showing off your new shoes, then buying special items for breaking in new shoes that are available in shoe stores will help.

Are you aware of any other methods for getting rid of corns and calluses on feet? Please tell us about them in the comments!

Source: Brightside