7 Tips to Living a Stress-Free Life

By: Farida

13th September 2018


We all experience stress on a regular basis. When you face a threat or a challenging situation, your body triggers a natural response – and that is stress.

Prolonged stress can lead to many harmful effects.

However, stress is not necessarily a bad thing, as it can work as motivation and help you reach your goals.

But when it continues for a long time, it starts affecting your physical and mental health.

Whether you are on the verge of hitting a deadline or facing a stressful personal situation, what’s important is how you overcome stress by keeping it together.

Here are a few tips that can reduce your stress for the better.

1. Get Some Physical Activity
One way to tackle a stressful situation is by getting some exercise. Exercise works by giving you an instant energy boost that can lift up your spirits. By exercise, I don’t mean lifting heavy weights or training until you pass out. What you need is some physical activity from time to time. For example, if you are stressed about a task for a while now, sitting at your desk won’t make you feel any better. Instead, take a short break and walk around the office or do some stretches at your seat. This will release feel-good-chemicals or endorphins that will make you feel better.

2. Listen To Relaxing Music
Don’t we all love some good music when we are irritated or feeling exhausted? It’s common to be overwhelmed by a stressful situation, and one way to reduce this stress is through music. All you need are a device and earphones, and you are good to go. It’s not necessary that the same music suits all – a few people prefer classical, whereas a few others prefer the soothing sounds of nature or the ocean. But calming music goes a long way in soothing your nerves and has a positive effect on your mind. It works by lowering blood pressure and reducing the stress hormone, cortisol.

3. Follow A Healthy Diet
Your diet and stress levels go hand in hand. You often forget to eat right when you are stressed about something, but that only makes it worse. When you resort to eating unhealthy junk during a stressful period, it makes you feel even sicker. On the contrary, having fruits and vegetables during the chaos helps reduce the symptoms of stress. A plateful of good food is all you need to cope with stress. Most healthy foods are not only rich in nutrition, but they are also suitable for the brain.

4. Improve Your Mood By Yourself
Sometimes, all you need is indulge in some self-talk and laugh it off to improve your mood in a stressful situation. Happiness decreases the cortisol levels or the stress hormones and has a calming effect on your nervous system. If you don’t have anyone around to rely on to feel better, you have to do it yourself. Tell yourself everything will be better soon, and help yourself get through this. Don’t stop enjoying life; do things that make you happy. If you are cheerful, you don’t need to worry about stress.

5. Become More Mindful
Mindfulness does not come all at once – it takes time to master the skill, but it remains effective for a long time. Being mindful and turning your thoughts toward what triggers anxiety and stress in you is one way to tackle it. Mindfulness is a meditation of the mind.
It improves mental health and capacity as it makes you aware of your thoughts and feelings and helps you reflect upon every detail without preconceived notions. Mindful exercises involve listening more mindfully and experiencing the good around you, especially acceptance. Mindfulness aids mental health and is used in modern psychotherapy.

6. Try To Rest Easy
Are you getting enough sleep? If not, this could be one reason you are stressed. And surprisingly enough, it works both ways. Stress causes lack of sleep, and lack of sleep can be quite stressful. This can pull you into a vicious cycle of no rest, and your brain is exhausted and unable to function at its best. To avoid that, follow a strict sleep schedule. Get the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep, and make your environment conducive to sleep.

7. Talk To Someone You Trust
Talk to someone who comforts you – whether it is a friend or colleague – to reduce your stress. If you are feeling anxious or stressed about something, call a friend to share and talk about your problems. This way, you won’t keep it all locked up within you and feel more stressed. A healthy lifestyle involves healthy relationships and being surrounded by loved ones. A reassuring voice from someone you trust and are close to is what you need if you are stressed. Just remember to breathe easy and believe that people are here for you.

These are a few tension reducing tips that work as effective stress busters. Whether it is your work or unhealthy lifestyle, it affects your brain. And the more you neglect it, the worse it can get and lead to chronic stress. So, act quick and do these few things every day, and you will see your stress levels gradually come down. And soon, you will feel your body at peace, and your mind clear.

Credit: Nisha Baghadia