AI-Enabled Impersonation: Thief Exploits Technology to Steal €570,000 in China

24th May 2023

AI-Enabled Impersonation: Thief Exploits Technology to Steal €570,000 in China


 In a startling incident, a thief in China employed artificial intelligence to alter his appearance and deceive a businessman, extorting over half a million euros.

This incident sheds light on the rising misuse of AI technology for fraudulent activities.

Learn more about the incident, the victim's realization, and the implications of AI abuse in this gripping article.


In a shocking case of technological deception, a thief in China utilized the power of artificial intelligence to orchestrate a sophisticated scam, ultimately swindling a businessman out of an astounding sum of money.

By impersonating the appearance and voice of the victim's friend, the fraudster exploited the trust and urgency of the situation.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with AI-enabled crimes. Join us as we delve into the details of the incident, the victim's realization, and the broader implications of AI misuse.

A Convincing Facade:

AI-Modified Appearance and Voice The victim, surnamed Guo, unsuspectingly received a video call in April from an individual who bore a striking resemblance to his friend.

Little did Guo know that the person on the other end of the call was an imposter employing artificial intelligence to alter their appearance.

The thief skillfully used AI technology to manipulate their facial features and voice, successfully masquerading as Guo's trusted acquaintance.

A Costly Deception:

Swindling €570,000 Exploiting Guo's trust and urgency, the impersonator informed him that his friend urgently required a substantial sum of money to fulfill a public tender bond.

With convincing assurances and a manipulated appearance, the thief managed to convince Guo to transfer a staggering €570,000 from his company's bank account.

Guo, unaware of the ruse, believed he was aiding his friend in a time-sensitive matter.

AI-Enabled Impersonation: Thief Exploits Technology to Steal €570,000 in China

The Moment of Realization:

Unmasking the Imposter After completing the transaction, Guo sent a text message to the friend whose identity had been stolen by the deceitful thief.

However, the friend expressed confusion and denied any knowledge of the transaction.

This revelation prompted Guo to realize that he had fallen victim to an elaborate deception. Swiftly understanding the gravity of the situation, Guo reported the incident to the authorities, initiating an investigation into the crime.

The Dark Side of AI:

Rising Misuse and Impersonation The incident highlights the growing trend of AI misuse, particularly in the realm of impersonation and fraud.

The emergence of bots like ChatGPT, capable of mimicking human voices and engaging in realistic conversations, has amplified concerns about the potential for AI-enabled crimes.

While the specific interface used by the thief is not available in China, the incident underscores the urgent need for comprehensive regulations and safeguards against AI abuse.


The case of AI-enabled impersonation in China serves as a stark warning about the potential risks associated with advanced technologies in the wrong hands.

As society continues to rely on artificial intelligence for various applications, it is crucial to prioritize the development of robust security measures to mitigate the misuse of these powerful tools.

The incident should prompt both individuals and authorities to remain vigilant, fostering a proactive approach in safeguarding against emerging threats in the digital age.