Alien Invasion or Prophet Ascension? Mysterious HOLE in UAE Sky Baffles Netizens

18th March 2019


A very unusual and rare phenomenon spotted over the United Arab Emirates has generated a variety of theories online, with people fearing that it might be an extra-terrestrial invasion.

UAE residents were left scratching their heads over the weekend after witnessing a mysterious-looking hole in the sky above the city of Al Ain.

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The phenomenon was filmed and photographed by multiple social media users, who couldn’t help but wonder whether it was an alien invasion, a UFO parking space, or even the ascension of a prophet.

One Arabic-speaking netizen even suggested that it looked “as if God has thrown a stone into a lake”, but scientists were quick to unravel the mystery, explaining that the phenomenon was neither divine nor extra-terrestrial.

It is a “fallstreak hole” or “hole punch cloud”, which occur when supercool water droplets that have not yet frozen blend with ice crystals caused by planes passing through the cloud.

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The ice crystals then start to fall, causing droplets to evaporate, which leaves a massive hole in the middle of the cloud.

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سبحان الخالق العظيم ?.. ظاهرة ثقب السحابة Fallstreak Hole 17 March 2019

Публикация от ﷽ (@xomahaox) 17 Мар 2019 в 8:35 PDT
