BBC portrays Meghan Markle as American 'trailer trash' who threatens to 'knife' Kate Middleton in a new comedy show

By: Farida

24th June 2019


Meghan Markle will be portrayed as a 'trailer trash' American in a BBC show tonight, in which a cartoon of the Duchess threatens to stab Kate Middleton.  

The spoof comedy called Tonight With Vladimir Putin, which airs on BBC Two, has already drawn huge criticism from viewers. The show's two pilot episodes will lampoon well known public figures using 3D digital technology in front of a live audience.

One segment titled ‘Meghan Markle’s Royal Sparkle’ sees a version of the actress-turned-royal take questions from people in the studio in order to 'get to know you, the United British of Kingdom people'.

The outlandish version of Duchess of Sussex develops a violent rage towards her sister-in-law, the Duchess of Cambridge.

Meghan's relationship with her father Thomas Markle is also openly mocked and the programme will also feature Russian despot Vladimir Putin in a host role, and appearances by Alastair Campbell and June Sarpong.

A BBC spokesperson however said: 'Viewers will clearly recognise this performance as a spoof and highly satirical, within the context of a programme which lampoons a wide range of public figures and the public’s perception of them.'

See a trailer of the show below...