Buabin Youth Association threatens demonstration over 'gross neglect'

29th October 2018

Jerry John Gyasi Mensah, says Government must fix the Buabin-Dunkwa road as early as possible


A youth group in the central regional town of Buabin has  threatened to embark on demonstration against the central government over "gross neglect ".

Buabin Youth Association is questioning why successive governments have turned a blind eye to a deplorable state of an 8KM road network that links the Buabin community to Dunkwa on Offin.

"We wish to state without any form of equivocation that We will not be relentless on our efforts to bring to the attention of the leaders of this country about the total neglect as far as having our share of the national cake is concern,"a statement signed by the  leader of the group, Jerry John Gyasi Mensah, read.

"The most economic engagement of the people of Buabin is farming and most of our food produce gets rotten as a result of bad roads network to the market for sale ."

Speaking to ghanaguardian.com, Mr Gyasi Mensah lamented on how successive governments have failed to honour their promise to ensure the road is fixed.

He said they youth of Buabin cannot sit down for the community to be denied of their "fair share of the national cake."

"The current Government must ensure our road is fixed as as possible," he added.

Read the Full statement below

Members of Buabin Youth Association whose mandate is to foster Development in our community is notifying leaders of this country about an intended demonstration on our deplorable state of our 8KM road from Dunkwa- on -Offin to Buabin which has been neglected since the 80s.
This decision has become necessary as a result of the gross neglect by successive governments.

We wish to state without any form of equivocation that We will not be relentless on our efforts to bring to the attention of the leaders of this country about the total neglect as far as having our share of the national cake is concern .

The agenda to organize a peaceful demonstration which is our constitutional right and a statutory means to drum home our demand which is the deplorable state of our road network from Dunkwa on Offin to Buabin.
Plans, consultation are progressing steadily for the demonstration to take effect in Buabin at the Upper Denkyira East Municipal.
The contribution of Buabin to the food basket of this country cannot be underestimated, we produce most of the plam fruits in Ghana. We can be ranked third in the whole country behind Twifo and Benso.
We have hectors of cocoa farms that contribute immensely to our GDP.
The most economic engagement of the people of Buabin is farming and most of our food produce gets rotten as a result of bad roads network to the market for sale .
People especially expectant mothers, people with serious ailments who has to be taken to the municipal hospitals on referral die on their way for delivery and treatment respectively. In view of this our road is a major priority as far as relieving us from a lot of discomforts are concerned.
Numerous promises by political leaders have yielded no results. So we the youth of the town believe that its about time we demonstrated to let them know that indeed we are very serious about this.
And for the records the plan to demonstrate is on course and nothing can stop us till our road network is fixed.


JJ Gyasi Mensah

( Convener)