Case against Dr Obengfo relisted

30th January 2019


The Registrar of the Medical and Dental Council, Dr. Eli Atikpui says a case against Dr Dominic Obeng-Andoh of the Obengfo Clinic has been re-listed with trial tentatively set for February 5.

Dr Obeng-Andoh was dragged to an Accra Circuit Court for operating a health facility and practising medicine without lawful authority but was recently discharged for “want of prosecution.”

The trial judge said in her ruling that the prosecution had earlier been ordered by the court to comply with the rules on disclosures and serve Dr Obengfo or his counsel.

According to the court, at its last sitting, the prosecution promised to serve accused at the next sitting but failed to do so.

“The court indicated that if they failed to serve them by January 7, 2019, the accused person will be discharged.

“Today is January 23, 2019, and the prosecution has still not complied with the orders of this honourable court and prays for more time,” the trial judge stated.

However, addressing journalists in Accra on Wednesday, Dr Atikpui debunked media reports suggesting the Council reneged on its responsibility to avail itself in court.

“It has come out that the complainant never showed up in court since the case was started and I was surprised to have read a statement like that.
Dr Eli Atikpui

“The Medical and Dental Council is a responsible institution and will not renege on its duties in ensuring that Ghanaians are safe,” Dr Atikpui said.

He explained that on January 9, when both parties were present in court, the prosecutor requested for time to make certain necessary documents available to the accused and his counsel.

Dr Atikpui recounts that after this, however, the Council’s legal team were suddenly informed about the striking out of the case much to their surprise.

He stressed that the Council never failed to show up in court but rather the suspect, and expressed surprise that they are being blamed.

He also disclosed that the Obengfo Hospital which was closed by the Council has resumed operations at its Weija branch and urged the public to desist patronising their services for their own safety.

Dr Atikpui wants the law enforcement agencies to step in and ensure that the facility remains closed until the case is determined in court.