Company offers $1,000 to spend one weekend offline

By: Farida

3rd August 2019


An Internet provider is offering a one-weekend "dream job" to someone willing to take a weekend vacation free from phones and computers. said the "Digital Detox Challenge" is offering $1,000 to someone willing to spend a weekend at Joshua Tree National Park in Southern California, but they have to "give up using any tech devices for two of the three days."

"In true millennial style, you can pull out your tech on the last day to document and share your experience," the company said.

Photo: An Internet service provider is offering $1,000 to a contest winner who can spend a weekend vacationing at Joshua Tree National Park without the use of computers or cellphones. Photo courtesy of

The selected person, who will be chosen Aug. 26 from applications on the firm's website, will be put up in a "retro Airbnb" with amenities including air conditioning, a hot tub, a pool and running water.

"Instead of hunching over your tech devices all day, you can explore nearby hiking trails, take a dip in the pool, read a book, meditate, relax in the hammock and watch the stars," the website states.

Source: UPI