Cooperate With Us And Let’s Reopen KNUST - Oppong Nkrumah

5th November 2018


The Minister for Information Kojo Oppong Nkrumah has revealed that government remains committed to have the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology reopened on Thursday 8th November 2018.

The school was shut down after the outbreak of violence and destruction of property following the students’ demonstration of October 22. Government intervened with a series of Emergency and Interim measures on the University campus.

Though the Interim council was given up to three months, government’s subsequent assessment was that it can hand over the University and all emergency measures taken to a new council, earlier than expected, if one is agreed upon and inaugurated as soon as possible.

Oppong Nkrumah said government had indicated its new members for the KNUST council.

“It is our understanding that two other groups (CHASS and NCTE) have also done so. Our expectation is that once the office of the chancellor receives the full compliment of names, the office will refer them to the appointing Authority, the President, for the next steps. Next steps are council of state approval and final Inauguration by the appointing Authority” the Minister said.

Oppong Nkrumah indicated that although the parties missed the Friday November 1 timeline, government is hopeful all parties will cooperate with the process to inaugurate a new council and hand over all interim and emergency measures to it.

He however revealed that government’s position on the membership of the new council was that individuals who sat on the old council ought not to be on the new council.

“The old council is a party to the impasse. Just as the actions of students, student leaders and school management will be subjects of the full investigation when the University is reopened, so will the actions and inactions of the old council be the subject of that investigation. The specific persons who constituted that council cannot therefore preside over the matters in which their own decisions and conduct will be a subject” he told the Press.

The Minister said government was hopeful all parties will cooperate with the Chancellor as part of measures to bring a quick resolution to this matter and get the KNUST reopened.
