Did you know there is a RIGHT way to get up from your bed?

27th February 2019


While there are a lot of discussions that take place about the benefits of a good night's sleep, little is known about the right way of waking up from the bed. When someone is grumpy, early in the morning, they are often accused of having gotten up on the wrong side of the bed.

Getting up or waking up on the wrong side of the bed is a saying that loosely translates that the said person is grumpy or feeling tired. But, did you know that there is a grain of truth behind this popular idiom?
While getting sound sleep is crucial in maintaining good health, your sleeping position and sleeping side are just as important, if not more. In fact, if you are not sleeping in the right position, you may wake up with a severe neck, back or body pain. So, what exactly is the right way to rise from your bed? We tell you. The right way to rise from the bed Ayurveda and modern science, both are in favour of waking up from the right-side of the bed. Ayurveda’s belief system claims that our body has Surya Nadi on the right side of our body. So, when you rise on your right side, it actually helps to boost the digestive system.
On the other hand, science supports the belief that our body has two magnetic fields around it, one going from the head towards your feet and the other one going in the opposite direction. So, when you wake up on your right side, you strengthen your body’s second magnetic field, which in turn, boosts the energy flow in your body. Other theories There are a lot of other theories floating around which support the idea of waking up on the right side of the bed. According to these theories, when you rise from the right side, you actually begin your day on a peaceful note and chances are you remain stress-free throughout the day. Get out of your bed without twisting you back

Apart from waking up on your right side, it is also important that you get out of the bed without harming your back or any other body part. Here are the steps to ensure the same:

1. Do not get up with a jerk

The easiest way to give yourself a backache is to get out of the bed in a hurry. Always take your time and do some stretching before you leave your beloved bed.

2. Always use your hands to get up

When you wake up from the bed, use both your hands to push yourself in a sitting position. This step will avert the unwanted pressure on your neck and back.

3. Relax before you get up

After you are seated on your bed, take a moment and rest. Do not stand up in a jiffy.

Source: indiatimes.com