Electric current: A fix for premature ejaculation

By: Farida

27th March 2018


The key to better sex could lie in giving your partner’s feet a little scratch. No, this is not why sexy stuff is called ‘slap and tickle’.

A new study has found that tickling men’s feet by running a mild electric current through the foot could be a fix for premature ejaculation.

Now, we understand that the words ‘electric current’ sound a bit scary, but the scientists do specify that it’s so mild that men feel ticklish, rather than experiencing any pain. Good to know.

A trial of ‘tibial nerve stimulation’ (the fancy term for an electric current stimulating the ankle) on 30 men struggling with premature ejaculation found that the treatment increased the duration of sex. This is because the current passes up the tibial nerve to other bits of the body, including nerves in the pelvis that control muscles used for sex.

It’s worth noting that the study, conducted by Yuksek Ihtisas Hospital in Turkey, used a very small sample size, so we wouldn’t advise working out a way to electro-shock your partner’s feet just yet.

More research will be needed to find out just how effective this treatment could be, as well as working out ways to make the method doable in the bedroom. Most of us don’t have access to mild electric current machines, you know? This isn’t the first time scientists have looked to electricity to remedy premature ejaculation. Last year Virility Medical launched an electronic patch to be worn on the groin, which zaps the muscles to stop them contracting and causing orgasm during sex.
