Five lifestyle habits that increase your chances of breast cancer

By: Farida

16th October 2018


Breast cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in breasts (either of the two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a person's body which secrete milk after childbirth- for women).

Breast cancer is common in women than men. Studies and research indicate that breast cancer is the most invasive (it spreads fast to the rest of the body) and is the second cancer killer after lung cancer.

While the main cause of cancer is unknown, there are many risk factors that are known to trigger the abnormal and rapid growth of cells.

Most of these risk factors are lifestyle habits that can be avoided. These habits include

Aromatic hydrocarbons and with genetic polymorphisms contained in tobacco are known to increase your chances of getting cancer, including breast cancer. Research conducted shows that a high percentage of women with breast cancer are smokers or have smoked cigarettes before.

Intake of alcohol increases a woman's risk of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer as ethanol found in beer, wine, and liquor and other alcoholic drinks damages DNA in cells. This may trigger the abnormal and malignant of cells leading to cancer.

Eating the right kind of food at the right time in good amounts reduces the risk of breast cancer. Foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are all a good way to keep your body healthy and up against attacks by rapid unwanted cell overgrowth. Eating red meat, processed foods and sweets will make you unhealthy and prone to disease and body inability to fight off attacks.

Lack of exercise

Regular physical exercise of any kind lowers blood estrogen in women. A high level of estrogen in your body increases your risk of having breast cancer. Being physically active also puts your insulin levels on check, regulating them to a healthy amount. This plays a key role in reducing a chance of breast cancer.


Recent research findings showed that use of synthetic deodorants could increase your risk of contracting breast cancer. This, according to the report, is from aluminum compounds in the synthetic deodorants that are absorbed into the body. Apart from keeping you from sweating, these compounds may also change the nature of estrogen receptors putting you at risk. Natural deodorants, however, do not pose this risk.

It is important to note that differences in individual genetic variation, polymorphisms, and mutations lead to different effects of the same substance in different people. A combination of some or all of these risk factors may evoke a different reaction for different individuals. However, it is important to keep off them since you do not know how any of these affect your body.

Source: Evewoman