Four excavators set ablaze at Fanteakwa

7th January 2019


The Inter Ministerial Committee on Illegal Mining (IMCIM) Task force has stormed the site of Nawara mining Company at Akyem Nsuapemso in the Fanteakwa South District of the Eastern Region and set ablaze four excavators and pumping machines, arresting some workers in the operation.

According to sources, the action was taken following continues
complaint from the Chiefs and Opinion leaders of the community that the
Company has been mining in the Birim River with impunity.

The Company known to be a medium scale mining company has concession
that covers Nsuapemso, Nsutam, Osino, Heman, Dome, and the Gyampomani
area in the Fanteakwa.

The Chief of Akyem Hemeng Prof.Samuel Nana Obeng Apori who is also
the Chairman of Koforidua Technical University told Starr News “if you
have a mining permit given by the Minerals Commission, you cannot mine
the Birim River unless you have permit from Water resources. No buffer
zone should be mined on the other side of the river and worse still you
cannot go on to destroy my sacred groove without my knowledge and
consent as I am a foolish man. No! and they do it with impunity.

“There are lots of reports written to Water Resources, the Ministry
and they still continue so we cannot allow ourselves to be treated as
underdogs. People have to sit up in this country or the worse will
happen. We cannot allow any foolish guy to come from his country and
decide to destroy our sacred groove”.

He said he is not against mining but strongly against illegal mining .