Ghana Institute of Architects threatens to sue gov’t

10th July 2019


The Ghana Institute of Architects (GIA) has threatened to sue the government if it fails to set up a board for the Architectural Registration Council (ARC) by end of this month.

GIA said in a press release issued in Accra on Tuesday that the government has, for over a year, disregarded its call for the setting up of the board.

“…the recent announcement of the construction of the new chamber of Parliament, which has caused a public outcry, is a clear example of this disregard for the institute and the need for a board for ARC,” the GIA said in the release.

The GIA explained that the term of the office of the Governing Board of the ARC has remained defunct over the past few years, however, the government, which is enjoined by the constitution to swear in a new Board, has not seen it relevant enough to Institute a new Board.

“Currently the registration Council is being run by the Registrar and couple of Deputies, who have taken decisions that ordinarily would have required the Board’s objective deliberations and approval,” the Institute stated.

The GIA avers that the lack of a board for ARC has also resulted in various procurement infractions for some public projects.

In the statement, the Institute also alleged that there were inconsistencies in the procurement procedure in the design and competition for the proposed new parliamentary chamber construction.

It said the government sidestepped the procurement laws when it accepted submission from a Chinese Construction Company, contrary to the procurement rules for the project.

The Institute concludes with an admonishing to Parliament to adhere to the Public Procurement Act to ensure transparency, equal opportunity and fairness.

“Steps must be taken by the Government to ensure that the ARC Board is put in place immediately. This will avert the recurrence of such avoidable infractions in the process leading to the appointment of Consultants,” the GIA urged.