Greek Anarchists Claim Responsibility for Blast Near Skai Broadcaster Building

9th January 2019


ATHENS (Sputnik) – The Group of People’s Fighters (OLA), a Greek anarchist organization claimed responsibility for the recent explosion that hit the offices of the Skai broadcaster and Kathimerini newspaper, the Greek news website Ekathimerini reported citing OLA's statement.

The anarchists said in a statement that there was no more freedom of the press in Greece in light of national media supporting recent agreements struck between Athens and creditors. READ MORE: Blast Outside Athens Church Wounds Police Officer — Reports

REUTERS / Michalis Karagiannis
Bomb Blast Rocks Skai TV Building in Greek Capital (PHOTOS)
The remarks came after a blast occurred on December 17, causing material damage to the building. No people were injured since the authorities were warned in advance via phone call about the bomb threat.
That was not the first attack to be carried out by OLA. The group claimed responsibility for a bomb explosion near the Athens court of appeal on December 22, 2017, as well as attacks on the residence of the German ambassador to Athens on December 30, 2013, and the Israeli embassy on December 12, 2014.Source: