Hand of 5-year-old amputated due to cutlass wound

30th January 2019


Doctors at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital have successfully amputated the hand of the five-year-old boy whose stepmother assaulted him with a cutlass.

“The surgery was conducted Wednesday morning and the boy is receiving further treatment at the recovery unit of the hospital,” Joy News’ Richard Kwadwo Nyarkop reported.

He added that little Isaac is in the company of social welfare workers and some staff of the hospital who are providing him with the needed emotional support.

The hospital is also appealing for public support to enable Isaac to get an artificial hand.

Meanwhile, police in Cape Coast have arrested the stepmother who assaulted him.

According to the accused, they were going to farm and Isaac had taken the lead and defecated on the farm.

She said her intention was just to hit him with the cutlass but ended up cutting the hand. According to her narration, she tried treating the wound with hot water but the boy did not oblige.

However, Isaac was not sent to the hospital until two other people who went to the village, saw him and took him to the Social Welfare .

The police have charged the stepmother for causing harm. The father of the victim has also been picked by the police.