Have 'systems' instead of 'goals' to make an easy life

5th September 2020


There are many people who find it difficult to plan things in order to reach a goal. Even if it's got to do with losing weight or spending time with friends, it's a tad bit of a task for some people. In her YouTube video, Rowena Tsai explains to us all how to set 'systems' instead of 'hard goals'. This can very much help with reinventing the way we think about our habits.

First, she explains the difference between a system and a goal by saying, “If you do something every day it’s a system, if you’re waiting to achieve it someday in the future it’s a goal.” In the video, she goes on to explain the ways through which you can set systems. “A great framework to try is the current state versus desired state gap analysis,” she adds.

Elaborating the same, Tsai says, “First, take a look at your current situation ask yourself how am I currently living my life right now… [then] think about your desired situation by answering the same questions above in an ideal world… [Next] It’s time to look at the gap between these two states: why does it exist and why do you want to close it.” The next step that she explains is about figuring out how to bridge this gap using micro and macro plans.

“We’ve identified our current and desired state, and defined how we can bridge the gap between the two states. Now it’s time to come up with a plan of action and get to the doing,” Tsai explains. Here she uses the example of her cluttered home and explains the process. Further, she says, “If you like to become a lifelong learner, create a system where you set aside 10 minutes a day to read. Commit to learning, something new every day.”

“True long-term thinking is goal-less thinking. It’s not about any single accomplishment, it’s about this cycle of endless refinement and continuous improvement. Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress,” Tsai concluded.

Source: indiatimes.com