HFC wages war against poor customer service with feedback device

26th October 2016


Customers of HFC bank who are unsatisfied with the bank’s services or products can now instantly lodge a complaint with management of the bank for on the spot action on the matter.

The ratings can be done on teller services, counter service, loans and customer services.

The move follows the launch of a digital Customer Feedback System today [Wednesday] at the bank’s Adjringanor Branch in commemoration of the World Customer Service Day.

The feedback devices are intended to allow customers to rate services of a branch; while providing instant feedback to management during their visits.

The digital Customer Feedback System devices, are available at 19 branches of the bank nationwide.

The device allows customers to rate the bank’s services and products with 6 possible responses, very poor, poor, average, good, very good and excellent.

Ratings and responses given by customers are anonymous and are sent directly to management of the bank.

Managing Director of HFC Bank, Mr. Robert Le Hunte, told Citi Business News the new device will rate the service of the Bank from all the focal points of The Bank’s operations.

‘ The beauty of this device is that as part of any customer service mechanism, we are bound to trainall of our staff.

But it is important for us to get immediate feedback from the eventual customer, who is the person you are trying to delight. It is important that you know from that person immediately how they feel and this device allows us to do that. This device will allow us at the end of the day in all of our branches where it is apt to be able to understand exactly whether or not we are hitting the level of customer service in the branch’.

He adds that  the device ‘also allows us to understand from a bank’s prospective on a daily bases whether we are achieving our goal and more importantly where we are falling so we take corrective actions. At the end of the day you cannot fix what you don’t know. And as we know, what is not measured is not done. So this device allows us to measure and give immediate feedback’.
