Hot milk or cold milk? Which is better?

6th March 2019


Even if you don’t like the taste of milk, you have to agree to what we are saying. Milk is one of the healthiest and naturally nutritious food items.

You must aim at drinking at least 1 glassful of milk every single day. Some like it hot (with added spices and powders) and others like it cold. But have you ever given a thought, which one is the best for you? Which is the better way of drinking it to help us get all the required nutrients, vitamins and not to forget the vital calcium content? We settle the debate!

Is cold milk better OR does hot milk guarantee you nutrients?

One of the reasons why a lot of people recommend drinking cold milk is because of the ways milk is chemically treated and pasteurized before you get it delivered to your home. Cold milk which passes through low levels of processing is packed with essential micro-nutrients and electrolytes which keep you supercharged and active through the day. But, keep in mind, this only works better when you consume it in the morning. Drinking cold milk in the night can add to your digestive troubles and discomfort, making it difficult to sleep. It is one of the best relievers for acidity that causes a burning sensation and keeps dehydration at bay.

Another reason why you should drink cold milk is because studies have proven that cold milk can actually help you lose weight. Yes! Believe it or not, if you are avoiding milk just because it makes you feel heavy, there is no reason to actually avoid it. Calcium in cold milk can help boost your metabolism levels and thus, burn those calories faster. It can also replace a snack so you feel more satiated and beat those hunger pangs. Just be careful before consuming cold milk in the winter time and change of seasons, which can actually give you a cold and flu infection.

Having said that, hot milk is just as full of benefits as cold milk but it is just that you should choose your milk depending on the weather conditions and your body's own tolerance to food temperatures. At the same time, hot milk is preferred when you want to add something to it, like proteins or any malted powder because it is easier to dissolve that way.

Warm milk is also preferred by people, especially for kids and older people because it helps them sleep better. Do you know the reason for this? Milk contains melatonin and amino acids which induce sleep and get more activated when you heat the milk.
