iOS 17.4 Update: 118 New Emojis Spark Creativity and Inclusivity

29th January 2024

iOS 17.4 Update: 118 New Emojis Spark Creativity and Inclusivity


Get ready for the iOS 17.4 update, bringing 118 new emojis to Apple devices. Explore the diverse range of symbols and expressions designed to enhance communication and inclusivity.

Introduction: As the world eagerly anticipates the arrival of spring, iOS users have another reason to celebrate with the upcoming release of the iOS 17.4 update. This latest version promises to revolutionize digital communication with the introduction of 118 new emojis, catering to a diverse range of expressions and identities. From whimsical creatures to inclusive family structures, the iOS 17.4 update is set to transform the way users interact and connect in the digital realm. Let's delve into the exciting array of emojis awaiting users in this groundbreaking update.

A Splash of Creativity: Exploring the New Emojis

With the iOS 17.4 update, Apple is set to unleash a wave of creativity with the addition of 118 new emojis. Among the eclectic mix of symbols are captivating additions such as a green lemon, phoenix, brown mushroom, and a broken chain, offering users a plethora of options to express themselves in unique ways.

Celebrating Diversity: Inclusive Family Structures and Representations

One of the standout features of the new emojis is the celebration of diversity and inclusivity, particularly in family representations. Users will now have access to four types of genderless families, reflecting a range of familial dynamics. Whether it's two parents with one child, one parent with two children, or any other configuration, these emojis embrace the myriad forms of modern families and promote inclusivity.

Embracing Identity: Diverse Representation of People

In addition to family emojis, the iOS 17.4 update introduces over 100 new emojis representing people of different genders, skin colors, and abilities. From individuals with canes to those in wheelchairs, Apple's commitment to inclusivity is evident in the diverse range of symbols available. These emojis not only reflect the reality of diverse identities but also strive to promote visibility and representation in the digital sphere.

Timing and Availability: Spring Release and Security Enhancements

The iOS 17.4 update is slated for release in the spring, with expectations set for March-April. Alongside the exciting array of new emojis, the update will also include additional security plugins, building upon the foundation laid by iOS 17.3. Apple users can look forward to a seamless transition to the latest version, unlocking a world of possibilities for creative expression and communication.

iOS 17.4 Update: 118 New Emojis Spark Creativity and Inclusivity

Navigating Changes: Flag Icons and Gender Affiliation

Notably absent from the list of new emojis are flag icons, including those representing gender identity. This decision stems from earlier deliberations regarding the inclusion of flags with a "transitory nature" and the challenges they pose in representing diverse identities. While this omission may spark debate, Apple remains committed to fostering inclusivity and navigating the complexities of digital representation with sensitivity and respect.

In conclusion, the iOS 17.4 update heralds a new era of digital expression and inclusivity, with the introduction of 118 new emojis designed to reflect the diverse tapestry of human experiences. From whimsical symbols to inclusive family structures, Apple's latest offering promises to enrich communication and foster connections in the digital age. As users eagerly await the spring release, anticipation mounts for the transformative impact of these emojis on the way we communicate and connect in the digital realm.