It's time to unlearn these 5 MYTHS about diarrhea

25th February 2019


Diarrhea is one of the common digestive problems that cause loose, watery bowel movements. It is highly uncomfortable, but one can barely control this from happening if they do not take care of what they eat.
The condition normally lasts for 2-3 days but can get prolonged and may require proper medical attention.
When a person gets diarrhea, he tries everything he knows or might have heard from someone to get rid of it. They follow unusual tricks to get relief from the problem.
It is important to understand that there are a number of myths associated with diarrhea which lack facts and you need to unlearn them now. Bloody diarrhea means cancerWell, it is true that blood in your stool can be a sign of cancer, but it not the case every time. Blood in the stool can even be due to a bowel-related cause. If this happens then it is a matter of concern. Speak to your doctor about it. You can get back to your normal schedule as soon as diarrhea finishesNo, this is absolutely incorrect. In case you have an infectious virus or norovirus then your stomach infection will last up to 48 hours- even if you have taken medicine or are not rushing to the bathroom again and again. So have patience and rest for a while.

Diarrhea will stop if you do not eat anythingWhen you rush to the loo again and again, your body loses salt and sugar. It is very important to fuel yourself up. Your body needs water and energy to fight the virus that is causing a disturbance in your digestive system.

Teething causes diarrheaParents think that children have diarrhea when they are teething, which is completely untrue. The two may coincide, but that does not mean that teething causes diarrhea among children. So, next time when your child has diarrhea, consult your doctor.

Eating a BRAT diet alone will help Having a BRAT diet (Bread, Rice, Apple, and Bananas) alone is not going to eliminate your diarrhea. It is true that this diet will calm your stomach but is not the best thing to follow. This diet does not contain all the minerals and vitamins which is necessary for your body.
