Jackie Appiah to sponsor Juvenile Prison Inmate’s Education

13th December 2019


Actress Jackie Appiah is through her Jackie Appiah Foundation providing an educational sponsorship for an inmate of the Senior Correctional Centre of the Ghana Prisons Service. As part of her 36th birthday celebrations, Jackie made a donation of cash and items and to the Centre on December and seniors officers made an appeal for support for the inmate and she gladly agreed to do so.

Some of the items she donated included Jackie Appiah branded exercise books, mattresses, a refrigerator, bathroom slippers, detergents, sanitisers, soft drinks, bags of rice, water, body lotion, body spray and Vaseline.

Others were canned food, biscuits, mosquito spray, tomato paste, cooking oil, boxes of This Way Chocolate Drink, toothbrushes and perfumes. In her remarks after the donation, the beautiful actress said she wanted to do something different this time around on her birthday, hence her decision to choose the juvenile prison since she had never been there.

She added that she was extremely happy to be warmly received and cut her cakes with the inmates. A senior officer thanked Jackie on behalf of the inmates and staff of the centre for her kind gesture.
Speaking to Graphic Showbiz later, Jackie said she was grateful to God for another birthday. “I am grateful to God for another year added to my life, my heart is filled with nothing but gratitude.  I pray for many more years.”

Asked why she chose to spend her special day with inmates of the Senior Correctional Centre, this is what she had to say. “I haven’t been to a prison before, children are dear to my heart so when I heard of a juvenile prison I said why not come and celebrate with them.”

Jackie Appiah single-handedly sponsored the donation with support from randrluxury soaps, This Way Chocolate Drink, Kleesoft and Kill It Mosquito Spray.

When she left the Correctional Centre, Jackie Appiah went to Nyo Nyo Foods at East Legon where she had lunch with some loyal fans. She also gave them presents and cut more cakes with them.