Learn football tomorrow schedule on the sports statistics website

9th September 2021


A new season of the Serie A has begun, which promises to be very interesting in terms of the fight for the title. You can find out what football tomorrow matches await you and follow the Italian championship, which is becoming more and more popular every year. It will be especially interesting to watch the games of Inter.

Last season, the Nerra Zurri managed to finish in the first position and win the long-awaited scudetto. However, the fans' joy didn’t last long. It quickly became known that the club had certain financial problems. Because of this, Antonio Conte left the position of head coach.

Moreover, Inter was forced to sell its leaders, Hakimi and Lukaku. They managed to make good money on their transfers. At the same time, the team started to look for a replacement for them. Of course, the signing of Dzeko is a poor alternative to Lukaku, but the transfer of Dumfries to Hakimi's place looks very promising.

The Netherlands national team player cost only 12 million euros, which can now be called an acceptable price. He proved himself to be an excellent player at the European Championships. There Dumfries was one of the best in the Netherlands national team. And it is certainly not his fault that the Orange footballers left the tournament already at the 1/8 stage.

Open the site and find out what football is awaiting us tomorrow

You can follow the success of Inter in the Serie A and other tournaments on the sports statistics website. Open it and you will find out what football games are waiting for us tomorrow. The match calendar is now very packed, therefore, the games of the Nerra zurri will be quite often.

As for the Inter’s prospects in the current season, then, of course, it can be noted that the team will have Avery hard time defending its title. All the same, the loss of such significant figures is seen as a serious blow. However, the team's chances of breaking into the Champions League zone look quite working. So, among its strengths are:

  1. Experienced leaders. With Conte they managed to reach a qualitatively new level. Now players know when to do their best to score important points.

  2. Interesting tactical decisions of the coach. Inzaghi has started working for Inter only recently but has already managed to use several schemes, which always confuses opponents.

  3. Good teamwork of players. In the second half of the previous season, it was this factor that turned out to be decisive in terms of the fight for the title.

You can follow the success of the reigning Italian champion on the sports statistics website. Here all information about its games is updated in real time.