Let sleeping dogs lie – Publisher Badu Nkansah's teary wife begs Ghanaians

19th March 2021


Regina Badu Nkansah, wife of the late publisher, Badu Nkansah, has asked Ghanaians to forgive them for coming out with the history book that has sparked controversy in the country.

She affirmed that the said book was awaiting approval from the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) after it had pointed out mistakes in some of the books they submitted for assessment.

Her call for forgiveness, she said, was to allow them stay in business to make ends meet and also to help support herself and her family; particularly her two children who are furthering their education at the tertiary level.

Regina Badu Nkansah who broke down in tears while speaking to Kofi Adomaa on Kofi TV highlighted that the competition in the publishing industry is keen and she was trying to find her feet in the business.

"After his demise, his business also collapsed because we couldn’t sell his old books. So we called on people to come to our aid by sharing their knowledge. We had one woman who volunteered to write the history book. When she was done, we had to send the books to NaCCA but due to monetary issues, we sent books 1, 2, 3 for assessment. We took lots of books to NaCCA, some, they rejected them while others, we were informed to go and make some corrections of which the history book was inclusive. The history book was pending approval," she said.

“We are not at a safe place in the publishing industry because, since the demise of the man (her husband), the business has collapsed. I am trying to stay in business, so if issues like this start springing up, it’s difficult.

“I have children who are in the university. It’s this job that will fetch me money to cater for myself and my children so with these issues, what do I do?” she continued.

Badu Nkansah publications had earlier rendered an unqualified apology to Ghanaians for its offensive description of Ewes as juju loving.

In a press release sighted by GhanaWeb it said, “Unfortunately while undergoing the review, a limited quantity of the unpublished draft found its way into the market. We have seen certain snapshots on social media which has generated justified public uproar due to their offensive tone."

"We apologise to all those affected and we apologise to all Ghanaians that such a thing will never happen again,” part of the statement read.

The apology, however, did not sit well with some Ghanaians including parliamentarians as they described it as an insult to their intelligence.

Source: Ghanaweb