Menzgold Saga: Politicians are the greediest - Lawyer Ampaw

16th January 2019


Private Legal Practitioner, Maurice Kwabena Ampaw has tagged politicians as the greediest on earth should they describe Menzgold investors as greedy for investing in such a business.

Claiming to be a proud customer of Menzgold, Lawyer Ampaw emphatically stated he will again be a customer of Menzgold should the company start operating again.

“ . . I am not greedy but an opportunist and risk taker taking advantage of an opportunity. I took a huge risk and have as well benefitted,” he said.

According to him the level of harsh words being used on Menzgold customers by some New Patriotic Party [NPP] communicators and government officials is detestable.

“Politicians are the greediest if they describe Menzgold customers as greedy people. Indeed, NPP communicators should shut-up on menzgold issues if they have no affirmative declarations to make,” he stated.

However, Lawyer Ampaw insisted that some Menzgold customer are ungrateful since most of them have recouped their principals deposited with interest and should at least be content with what they have gotten so far.

He said, the Security and Exchange Commission [SEC] did not diligently deal with Menzgold saga because per his understanding a lot of procedures could have been used to amicably resolve the issue without the CEO hiding or customers losing their money.

Lawyer Maurice Ampaw on UTV’s ‘Adekye Nsroma’ programme said he first checked from the Bank of Ghana in 2015 if Menzgold was credible before investing , but he was told they had no business with the company because it did not derive its license of operation from them.

He said he moved on to the Minerals Commission where he was told by authorities that Menzgold is perfectly in line with laws and regulations.