Meta Introduces AI in Advertising

14th May 2023

Meta Introduces AI in Advertising


Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has announced that it will start testing artificial intelligence (AI) tools for advertising content.

According to Reuters, Meta will invite select advertisers to experiment with the AI Sandbox, a playground designed for creating content such as text and image backgrounds.

The AI Sandbox

The AI Sandbox will allow advertisers to create ads with the help of AI-generated content.

The technology is expected to provide personalized advertising and make it easier for advertisers to create ads. The technology uses generative AI, which means it generates content based on data it has been trained on.

This data could be anything from customer demographics to previous purchases.

Meta has not disclosed the names or the number of advertisers who will be granted access to the AI Sandbox initially.

However, the company has stated that it plans to allow more advertisers to use the tool in July and integrate some of the features into its generic ad products later this year.

Meta's AI Sandbox comes after the company's success with ChatGpt, a language model that uses AI to generate human-like responses to text input. The tool has been integrated into Facebook Messenger and Instagram, among other products.

Competing with Google

Meta's announcement comes just hours after Google announced its plan to integrate AI into its most popular products, starting with search.

Google's AI technology will allow users to ask for more specific information and will use natural language processing to understand users' intent.

This move by Meta is expected to keep the company competitive in the online advertising market. Google is one of Meta's biggest competitors, and its move towards AI in advertising could give it an advantage over Meta if the latter does not keep up.


Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the advertising industry.

Meta's AI Sandbox is expected to provide advertisers with more personalized advertising and make it easier for them to create ads. The tool is expected to be integrated into Meta's generic ad products later this year, giving advertisers more options to choose from.

Meta's move towards AI in advertising is a sign of the company's commitment to innovation and keeping up with its competitors.

With Google also moving towards AI in advertising, it remains to be seen how the two companies will continue to compete in this field.