Muntaka regrets hot verbal exchanges with Ken Agyapong

31st January 2019


The MP for Asawase constituency and Minority Whip, Hon Mubarak Muntaka has expressed regret over the hot verbal exchanges that ensued between himself and the MP for Assin Central Hon Kennedy Ohene Agyepong yesterday(Wednesday).

Hon Muntaka made the comment today at a media briefing by leadership of Parliament and the Public Affairs Department at which members of the Parliamentary Press Corps were given opportunity to ask questions on various issues relating to the work of Parliament.

The Minority Whip said he deeply regretted the unfortunate incident between himself and the Assin Central MP and wished it never happened.

He said he is happy that the hot verbal exchanges did not result in fist exchanges and hoped such incident will not reoccur.


There was drama in Parliament on Wednesday morning when some Parliamentarians had to physically restrain two of their colleagues from opposite sides of the political divide; the NPP Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong and NDC Member of Parliament Asawase, Muntaka Mubarak, from exchanging in fisticuffs.

But for the timely intervention of some MPs in the august House, it was likely things would have taken a worse turn, as the two MPs were only limited to trading insults on the Floor of the House ahead of sitting.

The incident played out when the NPP MP aggressively charged on the NDC MP, perhaps because of the latter's decision to move a motion on the Floor for the second time referring him (Agyapong) to parliament’s privileges committee.