Muslim woman screams out in pain as she is caned 23 times in Indonesia for 'standing too close to her boyfriend' Read more:

17th October 2016


Heart-wrenching images show a screaming young woman flogged in front of a jeering crowd for breaking Islamic laws as floggings reportedly spike in Indonesian province.

An unidentified woman screamed out in pain as she was caned 23 times in Indonesia's Aceh for breaking the province's strict Islamic law forbidding intimacy between unmarried couples.

Aceh is the only province in Indonesia that enforces sharia law and people face floggings for a range of offences, including gambling, drinking alcohol and gay sex.

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A woman was punished and flogged 23 times for getting too close to a male counterpart

The woman's cries could be heard from a jeering crowd who gathered outside the mosque to watch the lashings

A Muslim woman is caned in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, on October 17, after she was found guilty of breaking sharia law - pertaining to bans on intimacy between unmarried people

She was one of 13 people - aged between 21-30 - to be flogged on Monday at a mosque.

The woman was allegedly caught standing too close to her boyfriend.

The six couples were found guilty of breaking Islamic law that bans intimacy - no touching, hugging and kissing - between unmarried people.

One man was even caned for spending time with a member of the opposite sex in a private location, which could lead to adultery.

One of the offenders, a 22-year-old pregnant woman, was not flogged on Monday but was warned the punishment will be enforced after she has given birth.

A Muslim woman is caned in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, for breaking sharia law

The six couples were found guilty of breaking Islamic law that bans intimacy - no touching, hugging and kissing - between unmarried people

With a reported increase in floggings of women, Daily Mail reported Nur Elita was marched to the yard of Baiturrahumim Mosque in Banda Aceh at the end of last year and received five lashes.

Ms Elita keeled over in pain at the end of her lashings as she had to be carried off stage and taken to hospital.

She received her harsh floggings for getting to close to a fellow university student - who was also whipped.

Nur Elita was marched to the yard of Baiturrahumim Mosque in Banda Aceh at the end of last year and received five lashes

Ms Elita keeled over in pain at the end of her lashings as she had to be carried off stage and taken to hospital

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Source: Dailymail