Myth buster: Does talking about something good jinxes it?

8th February 2019


Tell us if this sounds familiar. You have a strong feeling that finally something nice is going to happen in your life or your dreams are finally going to materialise, then you tell someone about it and ultimately nothing happens. You end up either blaming yourself or that person for jinxing it.

Are you too scared of saying good things out loud or sharing them with anyone, because of the fear that you might end up jinxing it? Do you feel hesitant about sharing any achievement or positive experience? If you are nodding along in empathy, trust us, you are not alone
So, are these beliefs mere superstitions or is there even an ounce of truth in them? Let’s find out. Does talking about good things results in a bad outcome in the future? There are many theories about what happens when you put something out in the universe by sharing it in any form. Primarily, there are two schools of thoughts about these superstitions, the first one being that the higher power/gods/your kismet (luck) sees you ‘showing off’ and decides to teach you a lesson by putting you back in place.
The other theory is that when you talk about something positive happening in your life, you attract unwanted attention and jealousy of people around you (also known as the evil eye or buri nazar.)
In fact the very saying ‘break a leg’ originated from the same theory that wishing someone well or aspiring them to do well brings bad luck to them, hence people started wishing them bad luck to potentially avert the evil eye. The belief of ‘interrupting’ the creation process

The idea that the universe has been eavesdropping on your conversations and making things difficult for you is not only tempting but people actually cling to this belief and choose not to verbalise their expectations and incidents.

The theory is that you interrupt the creation process of your expectations/hopes in the materialistic world when you put the word out in the universe, either by talking about it or sharing it in any manner. Simply put, talking about your thoughts out loud can put them on hold.

How do you unjinx yourself? So, should you never get excited or happy about anything in your life, unless and until it materialises? Also, why are we often asked to not talk about anything negative because bad things happen when you think about them but are also prohibited from sharing about the good stuff which is still in process?

While these superstitions and sayings are actually not based on any scientific theories and reports, there are ancient beliefs that have been around since the beginning of the time, the simplest thing that you can do is to keep your words a step after the actions i.e. do not talk about things, unless and until they have actually manifested in the physical world.
