NATO Press Office Refuses to Address Trump's Idea to Make Brazil 'Official' Ally

20th March 2019


MOSCOW (Sputnik) - NATO press office advised Sputnik on Wednesday to speak to US authorities regarding US President Donald Trump's plans to potentially make Brazil a NATO ally.

"We refer you to the US authorities on this", a NATO press office representative said, when asked to comment on the remarks.
Speaking at a press conference with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday, Trump suggested that Brazil would become a significant non-NATO ally or "maybe" an alliance member. READ MORE: Prof: It's Highly Unlikely that Brazil Would Join Military Alliance Such as NATO

AP Photo / Diether Endlicher
Prof on Berlin's Defence Budget: Insistence on Spending Is Important but NATO Is Political Matter
US National Security Adviser John Bolton later confirmed Brazil’s designation, stating that the bilateral cooperation between two countries will focus on Venezuela, Iran, and China.
Bolsonaro, who assumed office on 1 January, stressed at the press conference that Brazil and the United States would both uphold traditional family values and stand against fake news.Source: