NDC heats up resistance to new voters’ register

25th January 2020


The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) remains resolute that there is no need for a new voters’ register ahead of the December 2020 general elections.

General Secretary of the party, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, speaking to JoyNews, said care must be taken to protect the democracy of Ghana.

He argues the Electoral Commission’s decision to go ahead and compile a new register amid resistance from some opposition political parties and some civil society groups could “derail our democracy.”

The NDC and some of the smaller opposition parties have formed a coalition, the Inter-Party Resistance Against New Voters’ Register to drive home their demand.

The coalition has staged two demonstrations in Tamale, Northern Region and Kumasi, Ashanti Region.

At the end of the Kumasi demonstration, the group said it would suspend its decision, pending the outcome of consultations by the EC with a committee of eminent persons it put together to advise it.

However, the EC, announced later that it is going ahead to compile the new register from April 18, 2020. The meeting with stakeholders, the Commission explained, is to further explain the need for a new register.

The Commission has consistently argued that the current register is not fit for purpose. Biometric Verification Devices linked with the roll are worn out, the EC argued among over 30 reasons.

However, the NDC insists the EC can use the current register for the upcoming elections. The venture for a new one is a total waste of money, communicators of the party say.

Adaklu MP, Kwame Agbodza says the EC wants to connive with the government to disenfranchise voters in the NDC strongholds, one of which he represents in Parliament.