Oppo Shutters Chip Design Unit Amid Declining Smartphone Sales

15th May 2023

Oppo Shutters Chip Design Unit Amid Declining Smartphone Sales


Oppo, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer, has announced the closure of its chip subsidiary, Zeku, citing economic uncertainty and a downturn in the global smartphone industry.

Explore the implications of this decision in our article.


Oppo, a prominent player in the smartphone market, has made the decision to close its chip design unit, Zeku, based in Shanghai.

The closure comes as Oppo grapples with challenges posed by the uncertain global economy and a decline in smartphone sales.

In this article, we delve into the details surrounding Oppo's closure of its chip subsidiary and its potential impact on the company's future.

Zeku's Role in Chip Development:

Zeku, the chip design company established by Oppo in 2019, played a crucial role in developing the MariSilicon chip series.

This series featured innovative components such as the MariSilicon X ISP (Image Signal Processor) and the MariSilicon Y audio chip.

The establishment of its chip manufacturing business was seen as a strategic move by Oppo to enhance its technological capabilities and differentiate itself in the highly competitive smartphone market.

Reasons for Closure:

Oppo's decision to close Zeku can be attributed to the prevailing uncertainty in the global economy and the challenging landscape of the smartphone industry.

With smartphone sales experiencing a slump, the company had to reassess its business operations to align with market realities.

While Oppo has not disclosed specific financial figures, industry speculation suggests that it invested over $1.4 billion in its chip development venture.

Implications for Oppo:

The closure of Zeku raises questions about the future direction of Oppo and its competitive standing in the smartphone market.

As chip design and manufacturing capabilities become increasingly vital for smartphone manufacturers, Oppo's exit from this sector may put the company at a disadvantage compared to rivals who possess in-house chip expertise.

The decision also underscores the need for adaptability and strategic adjustments in response to changing market dynamics.

Navigating a Challenging Landscape:

Oppo's closure of its chip design unit serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by smartphone manufacturers in an ever-evolving industry.

With intensifying competition, technological advancements, and economic uncertainties, companies must continuously assess their strategies to remain agile and responsive to market demands.


The closure of Oppo's chip design unit, Zeku, signals a strategic shift for the company amidst declining smartphone sales and global economic uncertainty.

The decision reflects the challenging landscape faced by smartphone manufacturers and emphasizes the importance of adaptability in an ever-changing industry.

As Oppo reevaluates its approach and explores new avenues for growth, the company's ability to innovate and differentiate itself in the competitive market will be key to its future success.