Paul Pogba vows to contest four-year doping ban

29th February 2024



Juventus midfielder Paul Pogba has announced his determination to challenge the four-year doping ban imposed on him following a positive test for banned substances.

The Italy's National Anti-Doping Tribunal (TNA) accepted the request from the Anti-Doping Prosecutor's Office, enforcing the standard ban duration outlined in the World Anti-Doping Code (WADA).

Starting from the time of Pogba's initial positive test, the ban is set to extend until August 2027, raising uncertainties about the future trajectory of the 34-year-old France international's career.

In a statement released later on Thursday, Pogba confirmed his plan to appeal the decision at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne.

Expressing disappointment with the ruling, Pogba pledged to share his full story once legal constraints are lifted.

"I have today been informed of the Tribunale Nazionale Antidoping's decision and believe that the verdict is incorrect," stated Pogba.

"I am saddened, shocked, and heartbroken that everything I have built in my professional playing career has been taken away from me."

Maintaining his innocence, Pogba emphasized that he had never knowingly violated anti-doping regulations or used banned substances to enhance his performance.

He conveyed his utmost respect for fellow athletes and supporters, committing to challenge the decision through the appropriate legal channels.

In response to potential appeals, both from Pogba and WADA, the final resolution may involve the Swiss federal courts. Juventus has refrained from commenting on the latest ruling concerning Pogba.