PewDiePie vs T-Series: JackSepticEye comes to fellow YouTuber’s aid

14th February 2019


The gap between PewDiePie and T-Series is coming pretty close to a constant less than a hundred thousand subscribers. A new ally recently joined PewDiePie’s battle to keep the throne for the top YouTube channel.
Fellow Irish YouTuber ‘JackSepticEye’ joined in the race by starting a livestream titled “SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE”. Following his support, PewDiePie gained some 40k more subscribers, Metro UK reported. The YouTuber even went to the extent of threatening to delete his channel if T-Series surpassed PewDiePie. JackSepticEye has over 21 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.
JackSepticEye’s support video came at a time when the gap closed in to 32k subscribers. PewDiePie’s fans urged the YouTuber to come out with a full support on his channel. He’s actually one of the many YouTubers helping out PewDiePie. Creators like MrBeast even made it to Super Bowl with his “sub 2 pewdiepie” shirts.

PewDiePie’s ongoing battle with T-Series started sometime around October last year. PewDiePie has been coming up with ways to increase his subscriber count. His fan army has also gone to crazy lengths like hacking printers, campaigning through billboards, radio, and more. One incident even involved hacking the Wall Street Journal website urging people to subscribe to PewDiePie.
PewDiePie and T-Series have both earned from this battle with an ever-increasing subscriber count. Last December, both channels were hovering around 70 million subscribers. PewDiePie and T-Series are now the top YouTube channels with over 85 million subscribers. At present the gap between the two is around 84,000 subscribers. FlareTV has a livestream on the subscriber count of both channels.
