PHOTOS: Madman smashes windscreens of 3 parked cars at Adum

20th February 2019

Share: has sighted images where a madman has smashed the windscreens of at least three (3) parked cars at Adum in the Kumasi Metropolis.

The man in tarted clothes is said to have carried out the violent act using a cement block, and it happened between the law courts and the Regional Police Headquarters at the central business district.

In the images, the windscreens and back windshields of two Toyota saloon cars with registration numbers AS 9267-13 and AS 433-13 are seen smashed.

We also sighted the windscreen of a Ford with registration number AW 123-14 destroyed.

The owners of the affected cars are not immediately known but we believe they might belong to some security official working at the Regional Police Headquarters.
