Police officer, 3 children who died in gas explosion laid to rest

1st February 2020


The police officer who died alongside her three children in a gas explosion at Ablekuma Fanmilk, a suburb of Accra, has been buried in Accra, Saturday.

It was a sorrowful sight at the Osu branch of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) where the bodies of Kate Hawa Kwakuru, 45; Emmanuel Adjei, 22; Joy Nmom Nobeh Kwakuru, 11 and Ebenezer Yamson Kwakuru, 9, were lined up.

Thousands of mourners, who thronged the Church to pay their last respect, could not hold back their tears as coffins of the deceased were lined up in front for the solemn service.

The teary eyes of the mourners including the husband of the deceased clad in red and black were fixed on the four coffins containing the remains of the deceased in disbelieve.

Flanked by family, husband of the deceased sat quietly with his hands folded on his laps.

Mother and siblings of the late Insp. Abban were inconsolable when the coffins were being carried out to the cemetery.

The four will be buried at the Osu Cemetery.

Kate Hawa Kwakuru, 45, died in the first week of the new year when a gas cylinder at her home exploded whilst she was in the kitchen.

Inspector Kate had returned from church and decided to cook for her kids but she realised the gas was almost finished and sent somebody to go and fill the gas.

After waiting for some time, she decided to use a coal pot to prepare the food since they were all hungry. After the person sent to fill the gas came back, she smelt some gas leakage and called her first son, Emmanuel to take the cylinder outside.

However, her son when coming out with the cylinder used the direction where his mother was cooking with the coal pot and that caused the unfortunate incident.

“The woman and her son got burnt instantly because gas was around them. Then Joy got fresh water and poured it on her mother who was burning thinking she could save her. In the process, the flames caught up with Joy too.
