Police vow to clamp down on errant private security firms

7th January 2019


The Ghana Police Service is set to clamp down on private security firms that have failed to comply with the regulations governing their operations.

Director-General of the Private Security Operations, ACP Francis Aboagye Nyarko, said such firms risk closure of their facilities or being heavily sanctioned after the one-year moratorium that has been given to them expires.

Speaking at a meeting with Paradigm Security systems in Accra, the Director-General of the Private Security Operations explained the Private security industry in Ghana, was fundamental to the operations of government and the police administration.

According to him, their operations impact on crime fighting and largely complement the effort of the security agencies in the country.

“The operations of these private security firms have become crucial in the country’s security set up and must be monitored to bring the needed synergy,” he averred.

ACP Nyarko intimates, after the expiration of the one-year moratorium given by the government, defiant private security firms would have their licences revoked and put before the court and the appropriate sanctions applied.

“We want them to be in uniforms prescribed by the Ghana Police Service, the Interior Ministry and the private security companies themselves. Should they fail to comply, we will go hard on them,” he warned.

CEO for Paradigm Security Systems, Kwesi Afful appealed to the government to support private security operations to enable them to complement the effort of the security agencies in the country.

“Government should support the operations of the private security firms. We play vital roles in Ghana’s security system. Accessing funds has become a great difficulty and we need government to help us,” he prayed.

Paradigm Security System has been identified by the Ghana Police Service as one of the disciplined private security systems in the country.