Wild animals can be really dangerous, especially when they meet people in an urban setting. However, the creatures are also in harm's way, as they can get run over by a car, get tangled in fences or simply die of shock.

A young moose that accidentally wandered into the Russian city of Neftekamsk, created a real confusion, as scared people attempted to chase away the frightened animal. Russian users on social media were angered to see a woman throwing a cat as a projectile in order to stop the moose, calling it "animal cruelty" and wondering why had she even done such a thing.
The move, however, worked well enough, as the big animal retreated in horror.
This bizarre story has a happy ending: according to local media, the moose was later tranquilised and safely returned to a nearby forest.

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История с лосем в центре города благополучно завершена. Животное получило дозу снотворного и вывезено в лес. С животным все в порядке.

Публикация от Время новостей — Нефтекамск (@vremia_novostei_neftekamsk) 16 Мар 2019 в 10:40 PDT

Source: sputniknews.com