Put yourselves together; unity is best - Allotey Jacobs tells NPP

8th June 2022


Bernard Allotey Jacobs has appluaded the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) for holding successful Regional elections, though not without reports of aspirants inducing delegates with money to win their votes.

Although not subscribing to this culture of vote buying but as an experienced politician, Allotey Jacobs noted that it is not a novelty for aspirants to dole out things to woo delegates.

To him, the important thing that the New Patriotic Party should be focusing on now is how to get their members and supporters to place their differences aside and support a common goal.

"The elections have ended. What is important for them is how to unify the various groupings within the party because no matter what you do, every political party has whippings . . . your advice you should give to your people is they should come together because unity is best than any other thing," he advised while speaking to host Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" programme.