RE: Hon Alexander Afenyo-Markin must be warned before he takes the party into opposition

22nd July 2019


The University of Education Winneba were supposed to have held their 2018/2019 graduation ceremony today Monday 22nd July,2019 but on Friday the school issued a statement suspending the graduation indefinitely.

This is because the school do not have a governing council who must supervise the preside over the graduation.

Since then a section of people have pointed accusing fingers at member of parliament (MP) for the area Hon. Alexander Afenyo-Markin as been behind this latest set back.

The school has been embroiled in chaos in recent times with a fight over the Vice chancellorship, sacking of lecturers and students rioting but the communications team of the New Patriotic Party have quickly come out with a rejoinder leaping to the defence of their MP.


It has come to the attention of the communications office of the Effutu Constituency NPP that, certain unscrupulous persons are inciting students of the university of Education, Winneba and the general public against the NPP party and Honourable Member of Paliament, Hon. Alexander Afenyo-Markin as being the brain behind the indefinite suspension of an impending graduation ceremony by trying to frustrate the process.

We are by this release informing the general public and the student community to disregard such untruths and seek to assure the students of the UEW that just as he has for all his constituents, Honourable Alexander Afenyo-Markin has their welfare at heart and will continue to fight for their wellbeing.

First of all, the constitution of a governing council is not the mandate of the Honourable Member of Effutu. The president of the republic, H.E Nana Addo Danguah Akufo Addo has the ultimate responsibility to constitute a governing council through the Minister of Education.

Again, on the question of the MP frustrating the process of the graduation, we will like to state that it is not the MP who sets out the date for graduating students. The VC? Professor Afful-Broni and his administration knew that the governing council's tenure of office will expire on the 17th of July, 2019 a date before the due date of the graduation but still went ahead to settle on that date. As for the reason that informed such a decision will be best known to them because as per the statutes of the University, you cannot have a congregation to graduate students unless there is a governing council but for political patronage and expediency, the VC chose as he has vowed to do as always to smear the name of the Honourable Afenyo-Markin and the government in this manner knowing that the governing council's tenure had expired. The VC even with this knowledge went ahead to set out a date that will fall within a period where the tenure of a governing council would have expired for graduation.

It is expected that the VC would know better.

For students who have been affected because the graduation has been postponed, we want to say once again that the Hon. Alexander Afenyo-Markin has them at heart and will continue to work to ensure that everybody gets the best as it is expected per the design of the University.

We will want to state that there is no issue of interference in the affairs of the University by the honourable member who has the good interest of all at heart. What is suppose to be clear is that, as a member of Parliament of the constituency where the school is located, the Honourable Member has the cultural, social, political and economic stake in the affairs of the University and for that matter will continue to exercise that right on behalf of the people of Effutu. Thank you.

Communications Office

Effutu NPP.
