Rosatom promotes nuclear technologies for sustainable development of Ghana

20th September 2018


Rosatom supported the Ghana Industrial Summit & Exhibition at the Accra International Conference Centre and sponsored a special NuclearInformation Day for senior business and government officials, which was dedicated to discussing nuclear as an affordable and stable source of energy to drive value-added industrialization.

Africa is currently the fastest growing economy, with a regional growth of over 5% per annum.However, access to reliable power has been identified as a major impediment to economic development. 

Ryan Collyer, Communication Director, Rosatom Central and Southern Africa, outlined the significance of nuclear power for the economic development of Ghana, especially in the light of Ghana’s strive to redevelop its aluminum production capability. He pointed out that “Aluminium production requires more electricity than any other industry known to man and nuclear has the highest capacity factor of all the current generating sources, meaning it can power Ghana’s industrialization non-stop 24 hours a day 365 days a year. A diverse energy mix with the inclusion of renewables and nuclear power will contribute immensely to the national economy and will make local business more competitive and attractive on the global market.” 

Nuclear topics were highlighted in collaboration with the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission(GAEC), the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) and the Ministry of Energy.

During the event representatives of Rosatom showcased presentations on the benefits of nuclear energy, as well as stressed the vital importance of the peaceful atom from a global prospective.

Rosatom's integrated solutions give access to an entire range of products and services throughout the entire life cycle of the nuclear power programme. Along with design and construction of nuclear stations, we offer nuclear infrastructure development, national staff training, engagement of local businesses, fuel supplies, operation and maintenance of nuclear facilities, and programmes aimed at raising public acceptance of nuclear power”, - underlinedCollyer.

Nuclear technologies have a wide range of applications from environmental issues to production of nuclear medicine. They contribute to social development and sustainable economic growth for countries.

Dr. Robert B. M. Sogbadji, Deputy Director of Nuclear and Alternative Energy at the Ministry of Energy, Coordinator of the Ghana Nuclear Power Programme noted that all industrially developed countries rely on an affordable and sustainable power supply to make their industries profitable and globally competitive. “Ghana should therefore opt for the inclusion of Nuclear Energy to diversify our current generation mix. Nuclear not only provides very affordable power for decades to come, but at the same time produces almost no greenhouse emissions and will therefore reduce the detrimental environmental impact of our energy mix”.

Although there are no NPPs in Ghana at this point, the country has a wealth of competences in the nuclear field. For example, one of the institutes of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) operates a research reactor as well as a gamma radiation center where food is irradiated for preservation.